Churches The Religious leader of Cathedral Of St. Helena is Kevin O'Neill Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : I join with the parishioners of the Cathedral of Saint Helena in welcoming you. As you inquire about our life in Christ, you will discover a people seeking to better understand our baptismal promises to live as children of Resurrection light and glory, guided by the Holy Spirit and in praise of the Father in and through the Name of Jesus.
In the beauty of both the Cathedral itself and the souls of the faithful who call this parish their spiritual home, you will come to share a journey of salvation ever ancient and ever new, told in stone and glass, in bread and wine and in prayer and sacramental grace. You will discover a generous people who are faithful stewards of time, talent and resources through their sacrificial love in Christ. You will find persons wounded, contrite and humbled and, in spite of our fears and unresolved issues, still seeking the wisdom of the Holy Spirit that instructs and sometimes admonishes us so that we might become instruments of Christ
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Cathedral Of St. Helena in Helena you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
Established in: 1908
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