Information on filming in Montana including production incentives, locations, permits and regulations, weather, and listings of production support and crew services.
Government Offices-State The Manager of Film Commission is STEN IVERSEN Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Since the inception of The Montana Film Office in 1974, there has been a dedicated crew of Montanans that have set the highest standards of service within this office that the industry has come to expect and trust when reaching out to us. We want to acknowledge their service to the film industry of Montana by expressing our deepest gratitude.
Rachel Gregg, John Ansotegui, Deny Staggs, Becky Cummings, Elizabeth Mays, Nikolas Griffith, Mae Vader, Katie Cummings, Sage DuBois, Sten Iversen, Maribeth Goodrich, Bill Kuney, Lonie Stimac, Garry Wunderwald, Michelle Much, Kim Drynan, Suzanne Elfstrom, Kim Hendrix, Mary Bell, Sharon Cummings, and Scotty Worden, plus the contributions by all of the interns and temporary folks since 1974.
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Film Commission in Helena you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
Established in: 1993
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